The distance is 128 kilometres and will take between 1 hour 20 minutes to 1 hour 30 driving at an average speed of 60 km per hour. Depending on some other factors, you could arrive earlier than that or later. There are no flights from Koforidua to Ho, the journey will have to be by road through the famous Adomi bridge.
You will not miss the ususal sellers at Kpong and Atimpoku who would engulf you with all the shrimps and smallish fish (one man thousand) and more. From Koforidua you will have no option than to climb up the Akwuapem mountains and descend into the Krobo Odumase – Somanya route hitting Kpong and then enjoying the smooth drive to Akimpoku. After crossing the bridge, you are bound to be a bit slow as the rest of the road isn’t that smooth. Certainly, before two hours, you should get to Ho.